Uninstall office 2011 max
Uninstall office 2011 max


Ransomware attacks are hitting universities. We made it to Friday! I hope everyone gets a little downtime this weekend and recharges but before then, let's jump into today's Snap!

  • Snap! Ransomware university attacks, Win 10 update, Chrome sidebar, & Earth Day! Spiceworks Originals.
  • For any of you support remote workers, what do you do when a laptop needs to be repaired? Do you send out a temporary laptop for the staff member or do they just wait for the repair to return?Just tr. Hello,I am IT Admin for a startup that is fully remote.
  • How do you manage repairs for remote staff? Networking.
  • Hello, I am IT director for a medium sized company (100 PC) based in Canada and starting 2 years ago like many corporations, we gone from a 100% local business to 75% remote employee working from home from anywhere in Canada and even worldwide (I have emp.
  • Remotely lockdown/wipe corporate computer when employee terminates? Security.
  • If you want to remove some features but keep Outlook, expand the directory and remove just those features. To uninstall Outlook, click on the button beside the name and choose Not Available, then Continue.
  • Click the little down arrow on the box to choose different installation options for each feature.
  • Click the + (plus signs) to expand the directories, if Outlook is not visible.
  • uninstall office 2011 max


    An X on the icon indicates not available, a 1 means it is set to install the first time you use it.


    Others allow you to make a single copy of the software as a backup. Some software publishers have license agreements that state you may install on a certain number of machines as long as only one is in use at any time.

    uninstall office 2011 max

    Just need to know where to go in your computer. Just to benefit the people who search for this subject, I found that you just need to type remove office in the spotlight and the application will come up. The Installation options tree displays a white box if all features are installed and gray if some features are either "not available" or are installed on first use. In practice things get just a little grayer than that, though. Use App Cleaner to completely remove an application that you want to remove.

    uninstall office 2011 max

    You'll want to choose Add or Remove Features.

  • Clicking Change will open the Office installation dialog with option to add or remove features or repair.
  • uninstall office 2011 max

    If using Outlook 2010 and older, follow these steps to uninstall Outlook. Create a ExFAT formatted volume labeled 'BOOTCAMP' on the 2nd, 3rd or 4th partition of the primary disk.


    When installing Windows 10 on my 2011 iMac, this download can be substituted for the Boot Camp Support Software download. You can delete the shortcuts to Outlook and set a different email client as default. On my 2011 iMac, these files were downloaded to the 'WindowsSupport' folder' stored in my home folder. Reminder: Outlook 2013 and newer cannot be uninstalled from the subscription version of Office. (If you have a lot of M's, type N and scroll up.) Tip: Click on Name at the top of the list of programs to sort applications by name then click on an application and type M to jump down to the programs that start with M. Locate the entry for your Microsoft Office application and choose Change. Tip: type Add Remove Programs in the search field in the Control Panel to find it (works in all versions of Windows). Go to Control Panel, Programs and Features (Vista and Windows 7/8/10) or Add/Remove Programs in using Windows XP.

    Uninstall office 2011 max